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Checkbook HD: Personal Finance

Action Finanzen Wirtschaft Finanzen
Entwickler iBear LLC

Checkbook HD offers you a quick and simple way of managing your personal finances. Clean and beautiful interface and easy cloud sync with your iPhone or iPad.

Manage all your accounts with Checkbook HD and stay always aware of how much money is left on each of your accounts, and how it happened. Add entries that change balances on your accounts manually, or import your banking records by using your banks OFX file. You can also schedule recurring transactions, sync your data between several devices, schedule delayed transactions and clear them later on (reconcile). To visualize the activity of your accounts, use colorful charts.


Checkbook HD features:

- Unlimited number of accounts (checking, savings, credit card, etc.)
- Running balance column
- Accounts reconciliation (balance and cleared balance)
- Support of multiple currencies
- Restoration of previously deleted accounts (if needed)

- Income, Expenses, Transfers between accounts
- Categories and subcategories
- Automatic categorization based on previous transactions
- Additional fields for organizing your records including description, payee, check #, etc.
- Customization of the transaction columns
- Search
- Hotkeys

- Automatic repeating transactions scheduled as “cleared” or “not cleared”
- Regulated custom frequency (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and any other frequency customization)

- Pie chart and bar chart reports showing the structure of your income and expenses
- Filter by categories and subcategories, accounts and payees
- PDF reports for sharing and printing

- Import of your banking records using your banks OFX file
- Quick manual entry
- PIN-protected data
- Backup
- Export of your data in CSV/Excel and PDF formats
- iCloud storing of your data and providing it on all your devices - iPhone, iPad, Mac (This feature can be turned on after the installation. All the updates occur automatically.)
- Printing of your data (CSV/Excel and PDF formats supported)

- Clean and beautiful Mac-oriented interface (check the screenshots)
- Beautiful PDF reports for sharing and printing

- User Guide - 
- Feedback & Support - [email protected]

Checkbook HD is truly a high quality clean product for easy personal finance management. Buy now! ►►